Marblehill Matters: Tackling Ash Dieback and Landowner Liability in County Galway

It is crucial for landowners in Marblehill and its surrounding areas to acknowledge the danger posed by ash dieback and their associated responsibilities. Notably, ash dieback is widespread across Ireland, and awareness of this issue is ubiquitous. Therefore, there is no excuse for landowners to claim ignorance regarding the presence or risks of this disease.

The prevalence of this issue not only threatens the local ecosystem but also underscores the liability concerns faced by property owners. As ash trees affected by the disease become increasingly fragile and prone to collapse, there is an elevated risk of branches or entire trees falling onto neighbouring properties or causing harm to individuals.

In accordance with Irish law, landowners bear a legal duty of care to ensure the safety of their property and to mitigate risks to others. This duty extends to the trees on their land, making them potentially liable for any damage or injuries resulting from falling trees or branches if negligence in maintenance or management is evident.

Moreover, landowners may be held accountable for damages or injuries caused by falling trees or branches if it can be established that they were aware of the risks posed by the trees but failed to take reasonable measures to address them. This could include neglecting regular tree inspections or disregarding warnings regarding ash dieback.

Given the potential legal ramifications, it is imperative for property owners in Marblehill and neighbouring areas to take proactive steps. With ash dieback widely recognised across Ireland, there are no justifiable legal excuses, especially considering recent incidents involving diseased trees causing damage and endangering lives and livestock.

Addressing the risk posed by ash dieback-infected trees requires proactive measures such as professional assessments, regular inspections, and appropriate actions to mitigate risks. By fulfilling their legal obligations and prioritising public safety, landowners can help minimise the impact of ash dieback on their communities.

A poignant example from Ireland underscores the consequences of negligence, with a landowner recently facing substantial financial penalties after an ash tree caused severe injuries to an individual. His plea in court that he was not aware of any issues prior was thrown out and a hefty fine of over a million euros was imposed. This serves as a stark reminder of the importance of landowners fulfilling their duty of care and taking proactive measures to address potential risks associated with trees on their property.


  1. there is lots of these dead and near death ash trees all over the place now, everytime we have a storm, a load of them come down.


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